Was born in Puyallup Washington.Grew up in SanBernardino Ca.loved Art at a young age. Drew the illustrations for the school Paper in the 6th grade at the California Elementary School. Graduated from San BernardinoHigh School . Taught Arts and Crafts to the ladies at the San Bernardino Outreach Program in the 1970s, Then went on to Teach Educational Art at the Crestmore School in Bloomington. Move to 29 Palms and worked for the Morongo Unified School District !985, then joined CSCA union and was elected as editor of the Monthly news letter After retiring in 2006 I had more time for art so I became a member of the 29 Palms Artist Guild, and was elected to the Board and Served on the education committee, and Weed Show committee for the Historical Society. I participated in the Morongo Open Art Studio Tour. Where I open my art studio and gallery to visitors. .I studied under Spelman Downer and David Musser at Copper Mountain College and Chuck Caplinger at the 29 Palms Art Gallery.
After moving to Big Bear City, California 2009 I Became a member of the Village Art studio. enjoy Painting on Pine slices and other forms of arts and crafts but my favorite seems to be scratch art. We then moved to Casa Grande, Arizona in 2014 where I joined the Palm Creek Art Group. Enter some of my art in 4 of their Art Shows, Also Became a member of the Casa Grande Art Association and was in 2 of their Studio Tours. And a member of the inter-city art group which I really enjoyed. We have moved here to Yuma in 2017, and hoping this is our last move, we really love it here, and Mountain Shadows Artists Association . Looking forward to participating in the events and shows. Since moving here I’ve entered my Art in all the shows and Studio Tours.